In 2016, under the Tribal Forest Protection Act (TPFA), the Yakama Nation and Okanogan-Wenatchee National Forest entered a stewardship agreement to restore 548 acres of national forest lands in the Dry Creek drainage, Naches Ranger District. The project included road surface repair, road decommissioning, cattle guard removal and commercial thinning of overstocked stands. The tribe benefits by utilizing and processing the logs at their sawmilling facility, Yakama Forest Products, thus supporting the local economy. The area being treated is part of the Yakama Nation Ceded Lands, where the tribe has unique rights established under the Treaty of 1855. By implementing the project under the Stewardship authority, proceeds from the sale of timber by the USFS are retained by the Naches Ranger District and can be used to provide additional restoration treatments.
Accomplishments in the Dry Stewardship
548 Acres
of commercial thinning.
0.03 Miles
of road decommissioning.
1 Site
where cattle guard was removed.
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