Tapash Winter Quarter Stakeholder Meeting 2/18
We urge you to register for the upcoming Winter Quarter Stakeholder Meeting. Your input and insights are needed! Please click on the image below or here to register: Winter Quarter Stakeholder Meeting
We urge you to register for the upcoming Winter Quarter Stakeholder Meeting. Your input and insights are needed! Please click on the image below or here to register: Winter Quarter Stakeholder Meeting
A million thanks to all of you who participated in our first quarterly stakeholder engagement meeting, held at the Swauk-Teanaway Grange outside of Cle Elum, Washington. And special thanks to The Nature Conservancy volunteers from the Seattle Office and Cle … Continued
The Tapash Executive Board invites you to participate in our new quarterly stakeholder meetings based on the premise that community-based conservation results in the greatest ecological and social outcomes! If you would like to join us for our 11/12 fall … Continued
From the rugged wilderness peaks and alpine lakes of the high Cascades to the sage-dotted foothills and meandering rivers of the Columbia Basin, the Upper Yakima Basin attracts people to live and recreate. Dotted with small farming, ranching, and mining … Continued